About Us
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), signed into law in July of 2014, provides the means for students age fourteen to twenty two with a disability to receive Pre-Employment Transition Services. WIOA replaces the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998 and is intended to modernize the nation’s workforce service delivery system.
Pre-Employment Transition Services are available to any student with a disability ages 14-22. A student with a disability can be a student in a traditional educational setting, a student who is being homeschooled or in other non-traditional secondary educational settings. In addition, students in a post-secondary educational setting can receive PreEmployment Transition Services, however tuition is not a Pre-Employment Transition Service.
Our services can be tailored to fit your needs.
Additional Information
Job Exploration
Explore the world of work and career choices.
Work Based Learning
Engaging in paid or non-paid work experiences that may be in school and/or after school.
Work Place Readiness​
Prepare the student for the workplace.
Self Advocacy
Helping the student learn more about themselves, their disability and how to interact with the world.
Post-Secondary Counseling and Enrollment Assistance
Exploring options for students seeking careers that require post secondary education.
The student isn’t required to have a current Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 plan to receive Pre-Employment Transition Services.
There is no cost for these services to the students or their family.
Most services are provided by local organizations that hold agreements with the Tennessee Department of Human Services.
Participating in Pre-ETS doesn’t qualify an individual for Vocational Rehabilitationservices. If your child is nearing the end of their high school career, you are encouraged to contact your local Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor. The counselor can determine if the student is eligible and what services may be available to help them pursue a job.
A student may receive any one or combination of Pre-Employment Transition Services set up for their education needs and the goal of finding work.
Are you ready to get started?

Have more questions?
3540 Summer Avenue, Suite 402
Memphis, TN 38122
Tel: 901-310-9334
Fax: 901-236-0391